Because environmental issues and climate constraints are important elements to take into account when designing a garden and facing problems encountered by our customers with traditional grass in Algarve (important water bill for an average result) we have Developed at jardim creation Algarve, an exclusive partnership with a lawn supplier specially adapted to dry climates.
This turf allows you to save up to 70 % of water compared to a classic grass and this from the second year.
Its physiological qualities give it a common resistance to drought, it allows you to have reasoned, economic and ecological management of your water needs even under the strongest summer heat. Aesthetically, this grass is a real vegetable carpet of an emerald green color.
250 m2 of this grass makes it possible to produce the oxygen necessary for a family of 4 people.
They will capture as much c02 as 250 m2 of tropical forest.
Today, in addition to many private gardens, this lawn is present in prestigious facilities such as the palace of S.A.S. Prince Albert II of Monaco or the Barcelona City Hall…
Mowing :
Reduce the number of your mowings by half: one of the main characteristics of this grass is that it has an extremely slow vegetative growth, 2 to 3 mowings a year are enough to keep it at the ideal height for a green space.
By reducing your mowing operations by more than 50%, you save time, nuisance and fuel costs.
Lifetime :
Due to its resistance, physiology and root system allowing it to regenerate itself permanently and continuously, the life of your lawn will be lengthened considerably.
Aesthetic :
This grass is a true green carpet and the intensity of its emerald green color will provide you an exceptional well-being, you will not find in any other species its silky touch, its density and fineness of strand (less than 1mm).
This soil cover 100 % natural, not genetically modified, thanks to the density of its foliage allows for better collection of particles (Pollen) and gaseous pollutants present in the atmosphere.
Less maintenance, less spending and a beautiful lawn in Algarve… it’s possible with jardim creation Algarve!